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This Week's "Long Run" and Thunder Thighs

So, this week is a cut-back week in marathon training. Which is nice. My long run for this week is only 12 miles, compared to last week's 18, and the previous week's 16. 

Last week I banged out 18 miles on the treadmill like it was nothing. So I assumed today's 12 would be a piece-of-cake. Hmmmph. Funny how when we got all cocky and assume something will be easy, it doesn't always work out that way.

It went okay until I set foot in the gym. I went to change out of my school clothes, and realized I forgot my sports bra at home. Woops. Good thing I brought a tank with a built-in bra top. Not my favorite thing to do, but it worked.

I got on the treadmill, and kicked it up to my usual 7.0mph pace that I like to start with and work my way up from there. However, today my body just was not feeling that pace. Maybe it was the fact I was on my feet all day at school, or I ran a fartlek workout yesterday. I just wasn't feeling it!

I considered just running an easy 3 miles, but knew I wouldn't be able to fit in a long run later this weekend, because my parents are coming to visit. (Yay!) I tried to keep running faster, but it kept getting harder and harder. Finally I settled into a pace that was manageable. 

But then the boredom sunk in! How did I run on this beastly contraption for 2.5 hours straight last week? 30 minutes just about did me in today! Finally after 45 minutes on the one treadmill, I got off and hopped on a different one. "Maybe the first one was malfunctioning," I thought. "Maybe that's why I was running so much slower than normal." (Wishful thinking, much?) 

Nope. Second treadmill, same pace. Still felt hard. Ohhh well. I decided to settle for just 10 miles today, but somehow forced myself into the whole 12. It wasn't fun; my legs hurt; I was sweaty. Complain, complain, complain. I felt defeated and slow.

Once I got home and cooled off a bit, I began to reflect a little about the run. I think God was teaching me a lesson in humility. Not every run will be perfect. Not every run will be my fastest, or my longest. I won't feel like a magical princess fairy on every run.

And that's okay. I am blessed to have the ability to run. I am blessed with my strong legs, as my Business Man refers to as my "Thunder Thighs." I am thankful to the Lord that I have the resources for running shoes, running clothes, a gym membership. I am privileged to run freely in my community without fear of being harassed or harmed.

Oh, and those Thunder Thighs? I totally own that title! They're strong; they get me where I need to go. I think the Nike ad below says it all.

"I have thunder thighs. And that's a compliment because they are strong and toned and muscular. And though they are unwelcome in the petite section, they are cheered on in marathons. Fifty years from now I'll bounce a grandchild on my thunder thighs and then I'll go out for a run. Just do it."


Kristi Kay said…
Oh Sara, I know the feeling! Good job getting out there and getting it done! I am proud of your dedication even with a full time job! I can't even motivate myself and I don't work! :) I guess I sort of have someone else to take care of...
hey Sara, i'm really enjoying reading your blog! totally agree, i feel very blessed to be able to run myself. LOVE the quote about thunder thighs too. muscles are sexy, amen? :)
Sara said…
@Kristi - Yes... I believe being responsible for another person besides myself would definitely complicate the situation a bit...

@Angela - Thanks for reading! Totally agree!

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