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Red Velvet Rice Krispy Treats

I don't know what it is about rice krispy treats, but they are one of the best things in the entire world. Ooey gooey marshmallow and crispy cereal. But they have to be homemade! None of those blue metallic wrapped things... they just don't do it for me.

I've been having fun over the past few months creating some twists on the classic rice krispy treats, including Oreo Rice Krispy Treats and Cake Batter Rice Krispy Treats. And then I had a thought... Red Velvet Rice Krispy Treats? Is that a thing?

And lo and behold, after a trusty Google search, it is definitely a thing! There were many different twists - regular rice krispies cereal, cocoa krispies, cream cheese frosting, red food coloring, etc...

I ended up going with a cocoa krispies cereal base, and adding red velvet cake mix to the marshmallow mixture. I even went a step further and added chocolate chips because I am a chocolate lover, but you could easily substitute white chocolate chips or leave them out.

My favorite part? The COLOR! Just a hint of red mixed with the cocoa color. These are perfect for Valentine's Day. 

In other news, this afternoon I am racing a 5km... indoor. I have been itching to run another 5km race ever since the Jingle Bell Run in December, and there are just none here in Ohio during the cold winter months.

So, I did some researching, and discovered that ONU (a local D-III college) is hosting an indoor meet today. I emailed the coach a few weeks ago to see if I could race unattached, and he said yes, so I will be racing this afternoon! 

Needless to say, I'm a bit nervous because it's been a loooong time since I've raced indoors. Especially a 5km, 25 laps. And I don't want to be that person who races unattached and then embarrasses herself by coming in last place. So, if you think about it, say a quick prayer for me this afternoon! I'm hoping to PR or at least come really close.

In the meantime, enjoy some rice krispy treats!

[Click to PRINT]

Red Velvet Rice Krispy Treats

  • 10 cups cocoa krispies cereal
  • 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
  • 6 tablespoons butter
  • 16-oz. package mini marshmallows
  • ¾ cup red velvet cake mix


Place chocolate chips in freezer 20-30 minutes before preparing recipe. (So they won't melt when you mix them into the hot gooey marshmallows.)

Spray a 9x9-inch baking pan (for thick treats) or 13x9-inch baking pan (for thin treats) with cooking spray. Set aside.

In a large saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Add marshmallows; stir until melted. Stir in red velvet cake mix and heat, stirring, until dissolved. Remove from heat and quickly stir in cocoa krispies cereal and chocolate chips. Spread into prepared pan. Let sit until firm before cutting. 

Source: Idea from Pass the Sushi


Kim said…
You won't come in last :) Have a great run!
Ali Mc said…
I think you're an awesome runner! and those krispie treats look amazing :) so nice for the holidays. I am a huge rice krispie fan myself :D so this will definitely be made in my house at some point.
james straub said…
I would have come to cheer you on. Way to go!

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