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Happy Valentine's Day!!! [and Soft Frosted Sugar Cookies]

Happy Valentine's Day all! Hope everyone is having a lovely day... I woke up to a fresh blanket of snow and a 2-hour delay, which has since turned into a SNOW DAY!!!!! (What a way to celebrate!)

On to today's recipe... I have a bit of a confession to make.

Sometimes I can be a baked goods snob. If I am offered something is not homemade, it's likely that I won't even want to try it. Why waste the indulgence on something pre-packaged, full of preservatives, and probably not that good anyway?

But to be honest, whenever I have seen the Lofthouse cookies at potlucks, school, etc... I have such a strong desire to eat one. You know which cookies I'm talking about! The brightly colored soft sugar cookies sold in grocery stores everywhere

So when I found a recipe at Annie's Eats for a homemade version, I knew I had to try it. And I'm so glad I did! These cookies are pretty much fabulous. And without all the preservatives.

I claim to be a chocolate-lover, known to forgo desserts that don't contain chocolate. Not with these! I kept sneaking back for justonemore

They are perfectly soft and almost melt in your mouth. The frosting is the perfect texture - it sets up just slightly so you can stack them if you must. And you can't forget the sprinkles! The crunch of the sprinkle is where it's at.

I can't wait to make these in other fun colors for upcoming holidays!


Have Your Way said…
Happy snow day!!

those cookies look yummy
Running Girl said…
These are my *favorite* cookies, but I also hate that they have a ton of junk in them. Can't wait to try your recipe!!!!!!
Kara said…
Those cookies look great! I do admit that I often buy that exact kind of cookie. :)
Those cookies look delicious! What a great way to brighten a winters day :)

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