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Day 2: Gingerbread Cake Balls

Have you ever made cake pops? While they are fun, they are very time-consuming. Here's a simple solution - cake balls. No worrying about getting the balls to stay on the stick, watching for the drips, or run-a-way cake balls floating in the candy coating. 

I saw this fun Christmas twist on cake balls floating around Pinterest, and knew I had to try it. 

Almost like a truffle, these cake balls have the perfect blend of sugar and spice, just right for Christmas. They're perfectly sized for a quick sweet treat any time of the day.

And one of the best things about cake balls? They keep very well! The cake balls stay super fresh because they're sealed inside the candy coating. Which is then sealed inside whatever container you store them in. 

I tried a new type of candy coating this time, Mercken's. And it is SO much easier to work with than any of the other varieties I have purchased at Meijer or Hobby Lobby. It melts so smoothly, and sets up so beautifully. I will never go back. It does cost a bit more money, but it's definitely worth it.

Gingerbread Cake Balls

  • 1 box gingerbread cake mix
  • ingredients called for on box
  • ½ can cream cheese frosting
  • 2 lbs. candy coating, color/flavor of your choice


Prepare cake mix and bake according to package directions. Let cool completely.

When cake is cool, crumble into fine crumbs. Stir in 1/2 can frosting until evenly combined. Roll cake mixture into 1-inch balls and place on parchment-lined baking sheet. Place in freezer for 10-15 minutes to firm up. (Or refrigerate 1-2 hours.)

Prepare candy coating according to package directions. Remove cake balls from freezer and dip in candy coating. Place cake balls back on parchment-lined baking sheet to harden completely. Garnish as desired. (I like to drizzle different colors of candy coating over the top of the original coat.)

Source: Pinterest


Unknown said…
These look yummy! I was thinking of adding cake pops to my list of baked goodness that I plan on making this season but I think I am going to start with cake balls first.
Have Your Way said…
I JUST learned how to make cake balls in Nov. They were time-consuming, but I made them with a friend so it was alot more entertaining I think than trying it by myself!! haha they do look YUMMY!
Sara said…
@Blane - yes, definitely try cake balls first, until you get a feel for it.

@Have Your Way - yes, much more fun with a friend! One of my friends was visiting when I made these... she's not so great in the kitchen but it was great to have the company!
pea said…
This is Kristin Tuttle btw. I am in a Christmas-cookie-baking mood this year, so I think I'm going to try and veganize some of these recipes. I might pick only a few of them, but I'll let you know how it goes. I love trying new things. :)
I've never made cake pops before, but I think I'd almost rather make these - they sounds fantastic and perfect for Christmas!
Anonymous said…
Made them with my granddaughter using strawberry cake and frosting dipped in white chocolate. They were sooo good! Also mixed German chocolate cake with the pecan and coconut frosting - another good combo.
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