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34 weeks + the week where I baked ALL the cupcakes

I'd been dreading getting to 34 weeks for the last couple months... for no other reason than it was a jam-packed crazy busy week! I would have dreaded this week if I wasn't pregnant, let alone being 8 months along... 

As soon as we got back from Michigan, I pretty much jumped into nonstop baking for the next several days. I had to bake cupcakes for two weddings on Saturday, plus a big homecoming celebration at church on Sunday. Plus the usual weekly orders and cupcake counter duties. In addition, my Business Man left early Wednesday morning for a work conference in Las Vegas for the week. (How rude!) ;)

Luckily, I had help with the cupcakes for church. My friend Lindsey was a real trooper and helped start to finish, and a few other ladies from our Sunday School class helped frost the cupcakes and clean up. (I don't think I washed one single dish!)

I stole this picture from Lindsey's blog. I think I wanted to smack someone with that cupcake scoop, haha.
Because of the time constraints of the weekend, we actually ended up baking the cupcakes on Thursday, and storing them in the church freezer until the homecoming celebration Sunday afternoon. We used the church kitchen, which made things go a lot smoother and quicker. I had also prepped a lot of the ingredients/garnishes at home to make the process go fast. It took about 6 hours start to finish, but we knocked out 630 cupcakes! It was actually a pretty fun day.

I'm not used to convection ovens... this first batch got all blown out of whack! Nothing a little extra buttercream won't fix. :)

One table set-up at the homecoming luncheon.
Then I got to do it all over again on Friday, but at home. With the two weddings and regular Saturday orders, I baked over 900 cupcakes on Friday. I think it was a 13-hour work day, yikes. Total cupcake count in 30 hours = 1500+.
Saturday included setting up both wedding venues (of course, one was 45 minutes south, and the other was 30 minutes north.) After a pumpkin pie latte and some yummy popcorn, I got home Saturday around 3:30pm and immediately crashed. I don't think I got up off the couch all night except for food. My Business Man got home late that night, just in time for me to be done with everything. (Not that I had the chance to really miss him! Lol.)

I spy Maple Bacon!
All minis! So stinkin' cute. I love mini cupcakes.
It took me a good 2-3 days to recover from all that craziness. I am just glad it didn't put me into early labor! I had both those weddings booked before I even found out I was pregnant. 

Fortunately, those were my last super big orders before Poppyseed comes. All orders from here on out have a disclaimer - 'If I go into labor and have a baby, your order will be cancelled.' Lol, so legit. I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda looking forward to taking it a little easier these next couple weeks. Just about 5 weeks to go, and who knows... he might come early?!?! (Wishful thinking...)

34 Weeks - The Facts

Poppyseed's size: A cantaloupe! He's about 5 pounds and 18 inches long. No wonder it feels like there's a bowling ball attached to the front of my body.

Sleep: I have a hard time getting to sleep, but an even harder time getting out of bed! I hate to admit, but there have been a few days that I've still been lying in bed at 8:30am. No shame. At least my job allows me to do that. (Just requires me to get more stuff done at night.)

Movement: He really likes to jab me in the ribs. It's a little uncomfortable.

Running/Workouts: Elliptical, stationary bike, walks outside. I only have two suitable shirts for the gym that still fit over my belly, so I just keep wearing them over and over again. Today, I about freaked when I saw myself in the mirror in the gym bathroom. Holy belly! How can it get any bigger??! We still have a month to go!

I'm not gonna lie, this pic frightens me quite a bit.
Cravings: PB&J. With extra salt added. (I know.) Almost everyday for lunch this week. 

What I am missing: Sleeping on my belly. I've been trying to sleep on my side and I always wake up with my hands completely numb and tingly! So weird.

Looking forward to: Celebrating Poppyseed with another baby shower here in Lima! My mom & dad are coming and so are my Business Man's. Should be a fun family-filled weekend.


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