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31 weeks + baby shower fun

This week was an exciting one! Poppyseed is growing like a weed and I can definitely feel it. My belly is constantly itchy, and it is stretching like woah. My SI joint pain has decreased significantly, but my back and hips still hurt a lot in general. It is SO much more manageable though... I can handle this level of pain for another two months.

Last weekend, I got to head home to IL for a baby shower to celebrate Poppyseed's arrival. Two of my aunts threw it for me, and I was very blessed by all the friends and family who came out to celebrate!

Three of my college girlfriends even came into town, and we got to spend the whole weekend together. We kicked it off Saturday with the annual Pumpkin Classic 10km at the Pumpkin Festival. This is one of my favorite races to run, and I was so happy to get to share the experience with my besties. 

Talen, Michelle, me, and Jen. Michelle totally rocked it out and WON the race! So proud of her. 
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to run the whole race, but I jogged the first 3/4 mile with the girls, until the course turned off for the 2-mile walk. I waited for my mom to catch up, and finished walking with her. At least I earned my pumpkin donut! ;)

It was COLD! We woke up to temps in the 30's that morning... nutso!
That afternoon, we headed to the baby shower. It was held at a local Italian restaurant, and we had my favorite sandwich in the world - GONDOLAS! I was one happy momma-to-be. I brought mini cupcakes for dessert, and we also had some out of this world mini cheesecakes from a nearby bakery - That's So Sweet.

We were blessed with so many precious gifts for Poppyseed... onesies galore, diapers, blankets, bath essentials, burp cloths, stuffed animals, and tons of books. It was so much fun to go through it all with my Business Man once I got back to the Bean Town. (Now to organize it all and actually put it away... and to figure out what some of the things are for...)

Loved all the cute baby bags everything came in. I told my Business Man we were going to wrap all our Christmas gifts this year using baby bags... make life a little easier. ;)
It was such a great weekend at home... the last time I will be back in IL until Poppyseed is on the outside! Eeeeek!

Me & the grandmas-to-be! And Auntie Em, of course. 

31 Weeks - The Facts

Poppyseed's size: The weight of a coconut. (Yuck!)

Sleep: Ugh. Don't even want to talk about it.

Movement: Tons of it! We can even see it from the outside pretty regularly.

Running/Workouts: Several walks and a couple jaunts on the elliptical.

Cravings: Monical's pizza! Fortunately I was home last weekend, and able to satisfy that craving.

Ugh, this was so good. I want it again.
What I am missing: Running, duh. This perfect fall weather isn't helping. Also, being able to walk up and down stairs without getting short of breath. 

Looking forward to: A mini getaway next weekend to Michigan with my Business Man. 


Unknown said…
Dear very cute pregnant Sara,
I forgot I wanted to share something wonderful with you about giving birth. Aside from the absolute joy of having the child in your arms (and out of your tummy)...wait...just wait for your first pee. I completely forgot I could pee that much. It was delightful to feel such relief. Happy Pregnancy!

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