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Bon Appetit... a fabulous Saturday

Man, it has been a whirlwind of a weekend! My parents came into town for a visit, and to help us work on our house. (Big news there... that seems to be the only thing we do when they come to town!)

So, naturally, on Saturday my mom and I got out of town. We left the men to deal with the home improvement projects and went to one of our favorite places within 100 miles of the Bean Town - Easton Town Center!

A girly day full of shopping, catching up, and eating was just what we needed. Unfortunately, we forgot the camera at home, so you will have to live vicariously through the images I have found on Google.

We started the day off at Crate and Barrel. Which was completely decked out for Christmas. Wheeee! I picked up a few more Christmas plates to match the set we got for Christmas last year from my Business Man's parents.

Don't you just want to come over for dinner now? Haha... we aren't using them just quite yet. Not until after Thanksgiving.
It took a bit of self-restraint to keep myself from buying everything that was Christmasy in the store. It was all so cute! 

Particularly this cake pedestal:

And this apron:

JOY! I would just feel like Mrs. Claus in this apron. Perfect for 25 days of Christmas cookie baking!

We checked out another of our favorite stores - Anthropologie. I picked up a few detailed hooks (to hang coats & such) for our side entryway. Anthro has some of the cutest specialty door knobs, hooks, handles, etc... Especially if you're looking for something unique.

I usually try to stay away from their clothes... ($$$) That way I don't fall in love with something and have to talk myself out of it. 

However... I did glance through the coat section. And found this beauty. Love.

Oh, winter coat. So beautiful.
After several hours of walking and shopping, we stopped for lunch at the Bon-Vie Bistro. This was a first, because usually we go to the Cheesecake Factory. (What can I say, we are creatures of habit.)

I'm so glad we tried somewhere new, because our meal was fabulous! We each ordered a salad with bacon, bleu cheese, and a light herby vinaigrette.

And then... we shared the Brie Fondue. Oh. My. Goodness. It was so good. Salty and creamy and cheesy with a hint of garlic. I think my mom & I would have licked the bowl clean if it would have been socially appropriate. 

Similar-looking to this.
We were given French bread, crisp apple, and slightly blanched broccoli and carrots to dip. I will be on a mission to re-create this sometime soon.

After a few more shops (Trader Joe's!), we headed back to the Bean Town to start doing damage control on the house. (Aka clean up all the messes.) It really wasn't too bad!

I haven't taken any pics yet of what we worked on this weekend, but will do as soon as I am home during the daylight. 

Today was pretty low key... loved the extra hour of sleep. We spent the morning hanging around the house, then went to church, and then I ran a 10km race this afternoon. (More on that tomorrow... it was a bit interesting.) 

After saying au revoire to my parents this afternoon, my Business Man & I spent the afternoon tidying up, baking cupcakes (well that was really just me), and enjoying a pizza party with the cross country team at my high school. 

A very good weekend, indeed.

Here's to starting a new week! A very busy one... we've got parent/teacher conferences Monday and Wednesday night. I'm sure that by Friday I'll be ready to crash! 


Have Your Way said…
sounds like you had a great weekend :)

Will def. be praying for your week!! Try to enjoy the little moments!!

<3 Allie*

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