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What to do when you're blue...

As I was grocery shopping last week, I came across a huge tub of blueberries! For only $3.99!! Usually a small tub costs $2.99.

Note the container is next to an orange so you can gain some perspective. It is just a never-ending supply!

You might already know that I love blueberries if you read my post about blueberry donuts. Well, recently I have been trying to use up that huge tub of blueberries. I have been eating them with yogurt, putting them in my cereal, topping salads with them, and I think I even mixed them into our burgers last weekend (j/k). I wanted to make pancakes, but my Business Man and I don't eat breakfast at home together during the week.

So what can I do with the rest of the blueberries?

I did some researching on the internet, and found a recipe for Blueberry-Oatmeal Cookies! Why not? If they have fruit and oats, then they're definitely healthy for you.

Oh, by the way, now you will get to see a sneak peak of our cute little kitchen, too!


That's pretty much it. As you can see, we don't have much counter-space. The fridge is to the left of the photo and the table we eat at is in the front of the photo. You know how most people have canisters on the counter to hold flour, sugar, etc...? Well, we don't have room for that.

Solution: hanging canister set from IKEA! I swear, you will walk into our apartment and feel like you've stepped on to the floor model at IKEA.

I don't have a before picture of this canister set, but the process of installing it was a little harder than we expected. We thought we could just hang it on the wall, but that was bad news bears... an innocent guest would inevitably conk their head while eating. Not what we want in this household.

Where could we put it?

Over the sink? No... then I would be dumping flour and sugar down the drain all the time.

Solution: Over the microwave, hanging under the cabinet! Maximum use of space!

Now, the problem was just how to hang it there. You see, the canister set already had holes drilled in it, so we just needed to drill holes in the cabinet to line up with the holes in the canister set. And of course, since I am the one who graduated with a math degree, I got to be the one to figure out where the holes should go. It was much harder than it seems it would be!

So, once I drew the spots where the holes should go, my Business Man began to drill the holes.

Aren't men with power tools so attractive?

And then... a few minutes later, I had canisters under my counter! So lovely!

Left to right, sugar, flour, oats, rice, and tea bags. (And my Sweet 'n' Low is hidden in the back behind the tea bags... )

Okay, now that you have learned all about the canisters at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Business Man, we can move on to the actual cookie baking.

I found a recipe over at Picky Palate, but made some adaptations. Hers included coconut and I hate coconut... it's a texture thing. I also added nuts, and used fresh blueberries instead of frozen. Here it is!

Blueberry-Oatmeal Cookies
2 sticks butter, softened
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
2 1/4 cups flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/4 cups quick oats
1 1/2 cups fresh blueberries
1 cup chopped walnuts
12-oz. package white chocolate chips

Cream butter, sugar, and brown sugar. Add eggs and 1 tsp. vanilla. (Who actually measures vanilla? I just dump a bit in.)

Now you're supposed to combine the flour, baking soda, and salt in a small bowl, and then add it to the large bowl. But, I just throw it all in together. It gets mixed up!

Then, add the oats.

Then, very carefully, trying not to smash the blueberries, fold in the blueberries, walnuts, and white chocolate chips. Now let the dough chill out in the fridge for a few hours.

It should look something like this.

When it's good and ready, plop it by the tablespoon onto a cookie sheet. Bake at 375*F for about 10 minutes or so until the edges start to set. Don't over-bake them or you will have one crunchy cookie!

And there you go, Blueberry-Oatmeal Cookies. Perfect for breakfast on-the-run; I'm pretty sure my Business Man snagged 3 (or 4) on the way out the door this morning...


Alissa said…
I love your canisters! They are so cool! I was secretly hoping that you would put up a pic of your kitchen because I was wondering what it looked like. Now everyone else probably thinks that I am a stalker (LOL!) I also have some blueberries sitting around waiting to be used so I may need to try your recipe out as well!
Anonymous said…
Those canisters are great! We're heading to IKEA this weekend. I might have to pull a copycat move. Also, Your cookies look delicious.
Kristi Kay said…
Sara this makes me want to jump in my car and come see you right now...perhaps I will...;) Miss you!
aevansb said…
Seeing Ben's "sweat-shorts" makes me want to visit!
Sara said…
Alissa-- Your'e not a stalker! The cookies turned really soft overnight, and tasted more like muffins the next day, just so ya know.

Kristin-- Let me know if you get the canisters! I love them so much!

Kristi-- Miss you too!

Adam-- I know... right? They're the best.

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