This past week my Business Man and I have traveled what feels like all over Ohio.

Last Saturday, we went to Cincinnati. (Ikea trip... see a previous post.)
Tuesday, we went to Columbus. (Again, can be documented in a previous post.)
There's only one "C" city left to visit in Ohio... that would be Cleveland!
My Business Man's company had a promotion in June where he could win an overnight to Cleveland and to see an Indians' game. (The Indians are a baseball team for all of you out there who don't follow sports. Myself included. Although I do know a smidge about long-distance running.)
So, because my Business Man is so awesome, he won the trip plus $200 cash! We took off for Cleveland Friday morning. It's about a 3-hour drive, so that of course required a stop at Starbuck's.
Enjoying my nonfat iced cinnamon dulce latte, with whipped cream of course. I run 40 miles a week for a reason. :-P Whipped cream being one of them.
Upon arriving in Cleveland, my Business Man had to go to a short meeting, which I was invited to. Super-fun! Actually, the speaker was pretty interesting.
We then had a few hours to kill before the start of the game. My Business Man and I wandered downtown. When I say wandered, I mean that we went on a random walk and ended up by the lake. Pretty perfect! And a boat just happened to be leaving on a tour! So, we paid our $15 and hopped on the "Good Time III."
By the way, if it's such a good time, what happened to I & II?
So, as the boat (ship? It had 3 levels...) took off, we listened as one of the ship mates explained how to put on our life jackets in case we face the fate of the Titanic. He was very descriptive.
BTW, this ship mate looked like he was about 16. Just sayin'. Although he does probably know more about boating than many people my age.
Our lovely cruise was narrated by none other than some radio personality who is very popular in Cleveland. At first, I was excited, "Oh, this will be so interesting!" Turns out it was a recording... and not always synced up with where we were on the tour. Ha.
Relaxin' on the top deck, soakin' up some sun. Good thing I brought my shades.
The ride was pretty neat. We thought we'd go out more on the water, but we stayed pretty close to shore, on the Cuyahoga River. We went under 10945986151238 bridges, and learned about 4 different types of bridges that open up to let boats pass through.
2 of above-mentioned bridges.
We passed some neat-o architecture. Cool radio personality guy told us all about it, but of course I can't remember any of the details. Figures.
And, we went by the Browns stadium. I guess this is their football team?
After the boat ride, we continued to walk, heading back toward the hotel. We found some super-cool ginormous guitars in front of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
Me, posing ever-so-quaintly with my guitar.
My Business Man knows how to rock-out a little more.
So, we stopped at the hotel to change and get "freshened up" for the game. Aka get ready to sweat. As soon as we got to the game, the sweat started pouring down my back. So fun!
The theme for the game series was "Beach Weekend." I wish I would have worn my bikini. :-P That would have eliminated a lot of the sweating issues.
Overall, it was a very fun night. The Indians' pulled out a win against Detroit. (8-2.) My Business Man and I spent some quality time with some of his Business friends. And, of course, I convinced my sweetie to buy me some chocolate ice cream. (Well, custard to be exact.) Plus, we got to see fireworks after the game!
It was a nice little post-honeymoon trip, to celebrate our 2-week anniversary. Ha!
That's all from the Bean Town for now... stay tuned for more adventures.