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35/36 weeks + showers and donuts

I had high hopes of doing a new blog post each week throughout this pregnancy... and I was so close! I got too far behind though so I am combining these two weeks together. Such is life. 

36 weeks + 4 days
Poppyseed is pretty much all the way developed... he just has to keep growing and plump up a bit. Gotta make sure he'll have some chubby cheeks! He's been doing great, moving around a lot, and measuring right on track. 

A little fun with PicMonkey. And I thought I had a belly at 15 weeks. HA!
I now go to the doctor once a week. Eeek! It's funny... my Business Man and I were talking earlier this week about how his birth has always seemed so far away in the distance. And now it's just about 3 weeks away (give or take). Things are getting real! 

Two weekends ago, my friends here in the Bean Town threw us a baby shower. It was at my friend Lindsey's house, and it was so fun! The girls went above and beyond with every detail, with everything from my favorite punch and favorite cheese ball to fun crafty activities. We were blessed with lots of sweet gifts for Poppyseed and can't wait to put them to use!

My mom and mom-in-law (and Auntie Em) came out to celebrate the shower with us. Auntie Em was busy decorating onesies and bibs at the craft station.

How cute are these beachy clothes?! Our friends Candace & Jonathan are moving back to FL soon (booooo!) but Poppyseed will be all ready for a spring break visit!
There was a craft station where you could decorate a onesie or bib for Poppyseed. Guess he will be a Buckeye fan! ;) (Thanks to Becky for the cute design!) 

Lindsey made us this gorgeous blanket. You know, while also planning the shower, making the food, re-painting her dining rom, and oh yes, she's the mom of a 1-year-old as well. Queen of multi-tasking.
Some of the delicious food. Those cucumber sandwiches were so good. But who knew 3 little slices of cucumber would cause me to burp ALL afternoon and evening? Cucumber is now on the list of foods to avoid until Poppyseed arrives, lol.

The next weekend, some of my Business Man's friends from college came to visit. Somehow we didn't take ANY pictures! They had Cedar Point tickets they needed to use before the season is over, so we were happy to let them crash here. We got to meet their little boy Cameron for the first time, and he is so cute! It definitely made me ready to meet our little guy!

The only picture documented from that weekend. Those 6 donuts on the left - PUMPKIN CAKE DONUTS. Maybe the best donut to be found in Lima. I am already looking forward to this weekend so we can get more. (Because weekends justify trips to the donut shop.)

35/36 Weeks - The Facts

Poppyseed's size: Somewhere between a honeydew melon and a head of romaine lettuce. Supposedly about 6 lbs! Woah dude, that seems huge. Like an actual baby.

Sleep: Not the best, especially at night. I will admit I have been sneaking back into bed for a few afternoon naps. (Everybody is telling me to sleep while I can! Don't have to tell me twice.)

Movement: Lots of big movements. You can see it like crazy from the outside even. I was standing in the bathroom at the gym, and he must have done a karate kick or something because my whole belly started shaking almost like someone was pounding from the inside trying to get out. It was a little creepy, I'm not gonna lie.

Running/Workouts: The elliptical is still my activity of choice at this point. I did manage to walk 4 miles in about an hour one day on the treadmill. But then severely paid for it the next day, ha.

Cravings: Ice cream is making a comeback! Before I was pregnant, I pretty much ate a bowl of ice cream every night. Seriously. Since being pregnant, it's not something I've really wanted. But I've been really into blizzards lately... this Pumpkin Pie one hit the spot! 

What I am missing: Being able to get around without grunting and groaning. Just getting out of bed or off the couch seems like a huge thing right now. Or bending over to pick something up off the floor. Sometimes when I'm working, I let things pile up on the floor and then pick them all up in one swoop. (Don't tell my boss.)

Feeling a bit like this dude.
Looking forward to: Meeting this little guy! I am so curious to see what he looks like. And I just want to hug him. From the outside. And to see my Business Man get to hold him and interact with him.


Unknown said…
For the record, I had the majority of hat blanket made by September (started in July); and I only did touch up painting in the dining room, but it did take a whole day with that 1 year old around ;-).
Sara said…
Oh just let me brag on you a bit! ;)
Unknown said…
Yay!! Almost done! I hope you can enjoy the anticipation even though it is agony at times! And it is true, when it starts -you will know. Happy delivery!!!

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