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Is it really Sunday night already?

Gosh, this past week has been crazy

It all started with a bomb threat and evacuation of our school on Wednesday. Imagine 1000+ students and teachers walking 3/4 mile down the streets of the Bean Town to make it to the Civic Center from the high school. No worries... the threat was false, and everyone was safe. Sure made for an interesting (and short) day of school Wednesday. Kudos to our students (and teachers) for keeping calm and collected. 

Thursday afternoon, I visited the athletic trainer at school in regards to my foot. I'd had a rather painful run Wednesday morning, and wanted to get an opinion from someone who actually knows their stuff. (One can only do so much google diagnosing.) She was afraid it was a stress reaction, and suggested I go see an orthopedist at the sports injury walk-in clinic at OIO.

So, Friday morning, that's what I did. A few hours and an x-ray later, we determined it is NOT a stress reaction! Woo hoo. But it is a pretty bad case of peroneal tendinitis. I am cleared to run, as long as I don't have any pain. To help speed my recovery, he gave me a walking boot to wear for my daily activities, so that the only pressure I put on my foot is when I cross train and/or run. It's stylin', let me tell you. I am also supposed to be icing and taking ibuprofen religiously. (Which I was already doing. My Google diagnosis was pretty much spot on.)

Love my new addition to the shoe collection.
I actually ended up taking three days off any activity, figuring it would help cut down the inflammation. So far, so good! I spent the last three days in the boot, and the pain is almost gone. 

How hard was it to not do anything for three days? Not too hard! I had already made plans to go visit one of my BFF's up in Michigan for the weekend, so Kristi, her daughter Cora, and I had a bunch of fun doing girly things all weekend.

Including but not limited to:
  • Banana-chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast...
The perfect lazy Saturday breakfast.

  • Shopping downtown Ann Arbor... Let me tell you, we were quite the sight. Me in my boot, and the both of us trying to maneuver Cora in the stroller. Did I mention it was super cold and super windy? Ahhh... it was fun.

  • Cupcake devouring at a cute lil' cupcake shop... we tried the Blueberry-Lemon, Pumpkin Cinnamon, Chocolate Oreo, and Chocolate Salted Caramel. So yum.
I'll take one of each, please.

Lovin' her cupcake!

  • Movie marathon, including Letters to Juliet and The Mirror Has Two Faces. (Too bad I fell asleep during both of them! Is it just me or do movies + cozy couches = automatic snooze fest?)

  • Pumpkin muffin baking... who cares that it's March? Pumpkin is for all year long!
Cutie pie baking assistant. :) 

  • And a super-fun trip to Trader Joe's. I picked up some of my faves, and a few new items to try... including Sesame Honey Almonds. The look kinda weird, but are oh-so-good!
Snack obsession of the moment.

Thanks to Kristi & Cora for a fun-filled weekend!

Love it!

I headed back to the Bean Town this morning, went to church with my Business Man, and we've just been chillin' all afternoon. And of course we had the bright idea to make homemade pizza for dinner - one of our faves. Hawaiian all the way tonight! 

And how is it Sunday night already?!? If I only I still lived in Illinois... I would be soaking up the beauty of a 3-day weekend with Casimir Pulaski Day tomorrow. **sigh** Back to the grind. Hope everyone has a great week! :)


Alissa said…
Wah! Cora is huge! What a cutie. I hope you are healing well and it looks like you and Kristi had a blast! Yeah for fun weekends with friends!
Running Girl said…
Sounds like a fun weekend! We do pizza on Sundays a lot - I make a chicken pesto pizza that has grapes on it, & it's fab.

Hope your foot is feeling better!
Ali Mc said…
OH NO!!!!!! I am so sorry to hear about this :( I've heard that's a ***** to deal with. I am sending you good healing vibes.

I LOVE the look of that pizza.

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