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Let the Carb-Loading Begin... [Penne Pasta with Peas & Bacon]

Why carb-loading, you ask? Besides the fact that I'm pretty much always carb-loading.

I start training for a marathon #2 tomorrow! Yes, I am going after a second marathon, even after the not-so-great experience with the Flying Pig. (Hitting the wall at mile 17 is never fun. Especially when you're soaking wet.)

I'm in the pink.
I will be running the Christie Clinic Illinois Marathon on Saturday, April 28 in Champagin-Urbana, IL. It is supposedly a "fast & flat" course, which will be so nice after the hills of Cincinnati last year. Plus, I get to finish on the U of I Memorial Stadium!

It's just 1.5 hours from my parents' house, so I'll be able to coerce them into coming to cheer me on as well. I'm also trying to convince my BFF Talen to come out and run the half (or the full!) so we can reminisce our time spent in hotels the night before big cross country & track meets. And you know, just spend some QT together. 

I've put together a 16-week training plan that tops out at about 55 miles, with a long run and one speed workout each week. I'll be doing 5-6 mile tempo runs, mile repeats, 800's, and maybe even some pyramid workouts. If I'm feeling rested enough, I might even throw an extra fartlek, hill, or marathon-pace run into the week, we'll just see. I don't want to get burnt out.

Marathon training is going to go way better this time around than last spring, because I actually have people to train with! I get very mentally intimidated with the LONG runs (over 15 miles) and having a training buddy will help a lot. I know my legs can do it; it's just that I get myself down in my head.

So get ready for some Weekly Run-down recaps again!

In honor of the start marathon training, I thought I'd share my absolute favorite pasta recipe. Hands-down favorite in the whole wide world. That's saying a lot.

My mom has been making this recipe as long as I can remember; I think she got it from the local newspaper way back in the day. I can still remember one time my freshman year of college, my mom came to visit and made this in the dorm for me & all my friends. A homemade meal never tasted so good. I've since made it for friends countless times.

Penne pasta with peas, onion, & crisp bacon. It doesn't have a thick sauce - just a mixture of milk, garlic, & Parmesan cheese. It lightly coats the penne and is perfectly delicious. 

Perfect for carb-loading, if you ask me.
[Click to PRINT]

Penne Pasta with Peas and Bacon

  • 1 lb. penne pasta
  • 1 lb. bacon, chopped
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 1 tbsp. minced garlic
  • 1 small package frozen peas
  •  cup water
  • 1 cup milk
  •  cup Parmesan cheese


Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to boil. Add pasta and cook until al dente.

Meanwhile, cook bacon in skillet until crisp. Drain on paper towels. Discard all but 2 tbsp. fat in skillet. Add onions and garlic and cook over medium heat 4-5 minutes, stirring often, until onions are translucent.

Stir in peas and water; cover. Reduce heat and simmer 5-7 minutes, until peas are hot. Stir in milk; cook 1-2 minutes until heated through. Mix pasta, pea mixture, bacon, and Parmesan cheese in large bowl.

Source: Family favorite


Angie said…
The recipes looks delicious! Thanks for sharing! It looks like something I might be able to pull off! :) Good luck with your training for marathon #2!!!
Have Your Way said…
Looks YUMMY!!!

Yeah for Marathon #2!!!

I am already training for my half marathon #1
Sara said…
@Angie - let me know if you try it!

@Allie - which half marathon are you training for?
Talen said…
By far your best blog yet. My favorite recipe you have passed on to me! I could do the half, but I just don't know! Could we run it together until I finished? There is NO WAY I am training for a full on my own, haha!
Have Your Way said…
@Sara I am training for the Glass City Half that is April 22nd. It is in Toledo. I am really nervous though because I have NEVER ran a half. Right now outside I can run like 4 miles, but since I have a gym membership I am using the treadmill and I can do like 2 miles haha
Ali Mc said…
just found you through gournet runner - your recipes are amazing! and congrats on embarking on marathon number 2! I have yet to run a marathon but hope to do my first this year :D
Sara said…
@Ali Mc - welcome! I'll check out your site as well!

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