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Channeling my Inner Martha Stewart

So I've been feeling pretty domestic this weekend. Trying to be like the domestic queen, Martha. 

It all started Friday night with some homemade pizza. Like really homemade - even the crust. In the past I've tried making homemade pizza, and it was always just so-so. The crust always seemed soggy.

Well, I tried this method from Annie's Eats, and it makes the best, doughy, chewy, crispy pizza crust ever. The trick is placing the dough directly on the 500*F pizza stone, that way it starts cooking immediately. We topped it with a garlic-butter sauce, chicken, tomatoes, mozzarella, and fresh basil. Yum. I just got done eating the leftovers and they were just as tasty.

The domesticity continued with some crafty time. Crafts + Lifetime Movie Channel = one rockin' Saturday night. I might have even enjoyed a few Diet Dews. (Shhh... don't tell.)

All ready to go.
 I saw an autumn wreath on Pinterest, and immediately fell in love. I just had to make it. 

Pretty on the front door.
It's just a straw wreath, wrapped in yarn, with some felt rosettes attached. There is a great tutorial at Take Heart. The rosettes are so cute and easy-to-make. I just want to make dozens & dozens of rosettes.

I even did some organizing this weekend. I finally cleaned out/unpacked my closet. I know... we've been in our house for 3.5 months. And my clothes were just everywhere. But it's clean! It's organized! It's functional! (And will probably remain that way for 4 entire days.)

I realized I might have a cardigan problem. Much like my Nike tempo shorts problem. (<-- If you've never read that post, you should. It's one of my favs.)

Pink, coral, green, light blue, navy blue, regular black, ruffly black, grey, grey & white-striped, & tan. Yikes. And there are two more that I can think of that are in tubs with my 'winter clothes.'
As in I have lots of cardigans. And I'm always looking for more. I probably wear a cardigan 4 out of 5 days of the week to school. I believe my Business Man has nick-named me the Cardigan Queen before. Am I weird or are cardigans awesome?

I was on a roll with my Martha Stewart-isms, even starting a batch of autumn-themed cake pops.

DIY funfetti - add themed sprinkles to your own cake batter.
Key word: started. I got a bit antsy and forgot how long they take to make. And how many dirty dishes they create. So I put them in the fridge... perhaps I'll finish them tomorrow. Or just eat the undipped cake blobs. That sounds like a more probable solution.

I also ran this weekend. That's not really any big news. I had a great almost 13-mile run on Saturday. An easy 4 miles this morning. And I just realized I skipped last week's Weekly Rundown. Whoops. Here's the last 2 weeks. :) The Columbus Half is just 5 weeks away! 

Weekly Rundown (August 29 - September 4, 2011)
Goals: 40-45 miles, 4-5x1-mile repeats, 11-13 mile long run

Monday: am - 6.6 miles easy (7:47 avg)
                   pm - 2.9 miles w/ XC (9:01 avg)
Tuesday: 3x1-mile repeats (6:19, 6:26, 6:19) 7.2 miles w/ warm-up & cool-down
Wednesday: am - 6.6 miles, HILLS (8:06 avg)
                           pm - 2.9 miles w/ XC (9:24 avg)
Thursday: Off
Friday: 6.6 miles easy (7:45 avg)
Saturday: 12.2 mile long run (8:49 avg)
Sunday: Kenyan fartek, 10x1-on,1-off; 5.5 miles (7:45 avg)
Total: 50.5 miles

Weekly Rundown (September 5-11, 2011)

Goals: 40-45 miles, 6-mile tempo, 12-13 mile long run

Monday: 7.4 miles easy (8:03 avg)
Tuesday: am - 6.4 miles easy (8:06 avg)
                    pm - 3 miles easy w/ XC (9:07 avg)
Wednesday: 7 rainy miles (7:51 avg)
Thursday: 6-mile tempo @ 6:52 avg! 8.2 miles w/ warm-up & cool-down
Friday: 5.3 miles easy (7:48 avg)
Saturday: 12.7 mile long run (7:52 avg)
Sunday: 4.2 miles easy (8:11 avg)
Total: 54.2 miles

Dang... did not expect to run that many miles this week! That would be a new record for weekly miles. Next week will definitely be a cut-back week.

Next week's goals:

Have a great week everyone!                        


You are definitely channeling Martha... that pizza and wreath look incredible!!! I wish you were my neighbor so I could come by and do crafts with you and steal pizza... and other tastey treats. :)
And awesome job on the 55 mile week! You are going to murder that pumpkin classic!
Sara said…
Thanks! It'd be fun being your neighbor... we could run together, too. Except every run for me would be a speed workout! Hehe.
Oh, I bet not... We'd just be really great motivation for each other! :)
You're running the Pumpkin Morton?? I've been debating running it again if that's the one you're talking about:)
Sara said…
@Paige - YES! I 'ran' it in 2009 & 2010 but have never really raced it. We will be home to Washington for a family reunion/anniversary party so I figured I'd give it a shot! Plus, I love pumpkin donuts and/or pancakes afterward. :)

You should run it!
Ooh, the pumpikin classic sounds like so much fun! And don't worry about your awesome, record-breaking, high mile week (as far as the race goes I mean) just drop back your miles this week,and you'll feel totally rested and ready to run well! Great job on your training, it looks like it's going really well!

We had homemade pizza too this weekend! But our friends made it and brought it over. There is only one piece left and it's technically Matt's. Darn.

And homemade funfetti cake? I NEVER even thought of that. Totally stealing that idea. Someday...
Oh and one more thing, I really like that quote and picture. Awesome! Thanks for sharing. It was some nice motivation for me today.

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