I know. We've been back from Disney World for almost 10 days now. I promise this is the last Disney World post. Because it's the last park we went to - Hollywood Studios. (We never quite made it to Animal Kingdom... whoops?)
We went the first morning, and high-tailed it straight to the Tower of Terror. The wait was only about 20 minutes, not bad.
My Business Man and I were actually a bit scared going into this ride. We both had remembered it being scary when we were younger.
The verdict? Not so scary anymore. It was actually a lot of fun. I imagine it'd be super scary for a kid though. (Although the 8 & 9-year olds in our elevator were bragging that this is the fourth time they'd ridden it. Maybe not so scary for them either.)
The other awesome ride at Hollywood Studios is the Rock 'n' Rollercoaster. This is the closest to a 'real' rollercoaster you'll get at Disney. (Comparing to Six Flags, Cedar Point, places like that.)
It goes from 0 to 57 mph in just 2.8 seconds. Wow that's fast. And then you go upside down 3 times! It was so much fun. But gave me a slight headache for the next couple hours, but totally worth it.
After the Rock 'n' Rollercoaster, we needed something a bit more mellow, so we checked out Disney's American Idol. This was so neat! We are not even big Idol fans, but enjoyed this show a lot.
Each morning, park guests have the opportunity to 'try out' for American Idol. Three contestants are selected to perform at the showings during the day, and a winner is chosen by an audience vote. (Don't worry, there are still judges to give their snarky opinions!)
Then, at a final show in the evening, all the winners from throughout the day compete against each other. The winner in the evening gets a special 'golden ticket' that grants them front of the line access to a real American Idol audition. Cool, huh?
We actually watched the show twice, on two separate visits. Some contestants were really good; others not so much. It was entertaining, and a great way to stay out of the heat! Too bad neither my Business Man nor myself can sing; it would have been really fun to participate!
We encountered some rain while visiting Hollywood Studios... and therefore succumbed to the over-priced Disney ponchos.
And then headed over to dinner at the 50s Prime Time Cafe, where they treat you like family. Literally. My Business Man got yelled at more than once for putting his elbows on the table. Heh.
We got to sit and wait in the living room decked out in 50s decor, complete with TV shows playing, until our table was ready.
It's Mom's home cookin' here, and we ordered the classics - fried chicken, mashed potatoes, & greens for me and meatloaf and mashed potatoes for my Business Man. It was good, albeit probably not worth the price-tag. I think you pay more for the experience, which was excellent and entertaining. You get a lot of laughs during your meal, whether it's the waitress making fun of you for not finishing your peas, or watching the families around you.
For example, a boy at a table near us (probably 12 or 13 years old) went to get the electric scooter that was at the front of the restaurant for his grandma. He drove it back to where they were dining. And proceeded to crash into a table and spill a bunch of food. It was pretty funny... and the waitresses made it even better.
We did a few of the other small attractions - Animation Studios, One Man's Dream, the Great Movie Ride. We really enjoyed this park... I think it caters to adults the best out of all the parks. (Did I just call myself an adult? Yikes!)
Question: Have you ever been to Disney? What was your favorite attraction/park?
Other Disney recaps:
We went the first morning, and high-tailed it straight to the Tower of Terror. The wait was only about 20 minutes, not bad.
My Business Man and I were actually a bit scared going into this ride. We both had remembered it being scary when we were younger.
The verdict? Not so scary anymore. It was actually a lot of fun. I imagine it'd be super scary for a kid though. (Although the 8 & 9-year olds in our elevator were bragging that this is the fourth time they'd ridden it. Maybe not so scary for them either.)
The other awesome ride at Hollywood Studios is the Rock 'n' Rollercoaster. This is the closest to a 'real' rollercoaster you'll get at Disney. (Comparing to Six Flags, Cedar Point, places like that.)
It goes from 0 to 57 mph in just 2.8 seconds. Wow that's fast. And then you go upside down 3 times! It was so much fun. But gave me a slight headache for the next couple hours, but totally worth it.
After the Rock 'n' Rollercoaster, we needed something a bit more mellow, so we checked out Disney's American Idol. This was so neat! We are not even big Idol fans, but enjoyed this show a lot.
Each morning, park guests have the opportunity to 'try out' for American Idol. Three contestants are selected to perform at the showings during the day, and a winner is chosen by an audience vote. (Don't worry, there are still judges to give their snarky opinions!)
Then, at a final show in the evening, all the winners from throughout the day compete against each other. The winner in the evening gets a special 'golden ticket' that grants them front of the line access to a real American Idol audition. Cool, huh?
We encountered some rain while visiting Hollywood Studios... and therefore succumbed to the over-priced Disney ponchos.
And then headed over to dinner at the 50s Prime Time Cafe, where they treat you like family. Literally. My Business Man got yelled at more than once for putting his elbows on the table. Heh.
We got to sit and wait in the living room decked out in 50s decor, complete with TV shows playing, until our table was ready.
It's Mom's home cookin' here, and we ordered the classics - fried chicken, mashed potatoes, & greens for me and meatloaf and mashed potatoes for my Business Man. It was good, albeit probably not worth the price-tag. I think you pay more for the experience, which was excellent and entertaining. You get a lot of laughs during your meal, whether it's the waitress making fun of you for not finishing your peas, or watching the families around you.
For example, a boy at a table near us (probably 12 or 13 years old) went to get the electric scooter that was at the front of the restaurant for his grandma. He drove it back to where they were dining. And proceeded to crash into a table and spill a bunch of food. It was pretty funny... and the waitresses made it even better.
We did a few of the other small attractions - Animation Studios, One Man's Dream, the Great Movie Ride. We really enjoyed this park... I think it caters to adults the best out of all the parks. (Did I just call myself an adult? Yikes!)
Question: Have you ever been to Disney? What was your favorite attraction/park?
Other Disney recaps:
Yes they did get married at Kickapoo Winery!! It was BEAUTIFUL :) It was SUPER hot out there on Friday, but it was SO beautiful :)