This weekend my Business Man and I are homeward-bound back to Illinois to have a nice visit with our families. Except, his family just left on vacation to DC... so that means we'll be visiting with my family only. Poor planning on our part. This is good news for several reasons... 1. My parents got a new puppy literally 3 days after my Business Man and I got married and I moved to the Bean Town. I have been seeing puppy pictures and hearing puppy talk for the last 4 weeks and I absolutely cannot wait to meet and play and cuddle with this puppy. 2. I seem to have left a lot of things that are important to me at my parent's house. Including but not limited to the following: several of my beloved cookbooks my new Kitchenaid mixer (Wedding gift from my parents! And I haven't even used it in the Bean Town yet!) DVD collection (our shelves are looking mighty empty... need to fill up that DVD rack!) my cupcake decorating supplies (...because we all nee...