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Showing posts from February, 2015

Return to Running

Well, here I am over 11 weeks postpartum. How have 11 weeks gone by already!? But yet, it feels like we've had James forever, like I can't even remember life without him. But I'm RUNNING AGAIN!!! If you read any of my blog posts from the last few months of pregnancy, you might remember that I had back pain. A LOT of back pain. SI joint pain, to be exact. (God bless you for listening to me complain about that stupid back pain over and over again each week.) One of my big fears was that the pain wouldn't go away after delivery... I had read online where it took some women up to 4 months to get rid of that particular type of pain! So I assumed it would be like that. But, less than 12 hours after giving birth, I can say the back pain was GONE! Amazing. It was the best day of my life... not only did I get to meet my sweet boy, but my back pain went away! Haha. (It was really that bad.) I was a little nervous to start running again, because it had been a good solid 4 ...