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Showing posts from November, 2014

happy birthday, James!

Our sweet boy is finally here... let me introduce you to the newest love of our lives, James Benjamin Anderson ! I actually wrote a 40 weeks blog post last Monday, just never got around to posting to Facebook. Who knew that just a few short hours later, I'd be meeting my babe for the first time?! "HI GUYS!!" Here's the (long? short? who knows?) story... if you don't want to read about labor and childbirth, you might want to skip this one. No worries, there will no action shots. ;) Just pics of a cute baby. (And a sleep-deprived mom.) It all started Monday afternoon. I had spent the morning doing one last special cupcake order, and around noon decided I needed something else to keep me busy. I ran some errands to pick up some groceries for a fun meal and some craft supplies to make Christmas ornaments. I felt a few contractions off and on, but they felt the same as the Braxton Hicks contractions I'd been having for the past several weeks, so I ju...

40 weeks + is it go time?!

Officially playing the waiting game... we are two days past Poppyseed's due date and patiently awaiting his arrival! We got a bunch of snow overnight and it's been nice to just cuddle up inside the house with nowhere to go and nothing to do. (Fortunately, the hospital is just 4 blocks away, so we shouldn't have any issue getting there when it's time.) 40 weeks on the dot! And might I say I am about ready to burn that hoodie... pretty much the only warm shirt I have that currently fits! I've had the hospital bags packed for 2+ weeks... however I keep taking clothes out of them to wear. A girl needs her yoga pants around the house!  I've spent the last couple days just putzing around the house... cleaning a bit here and there, watching Gilmore Girls, working on some fun recipes in the kitchen. Fancy Cookies & Cream Hot Cocoa ... SO GOOD!! Homemade sourdough bread! This one took some planning ahead, with the starter and all. But now I am ...

39 weeks + the final countdown

Well... 2 days from the big Due Date, and I feel like we're playing a waiting game! Poppyseed is still quite  comfortable inside, and hasn't really shown any signs of making his appearance. 39 weeks + 4 days and rocking the winter coat. How is it 27*F outside in November??!? I had my 39 week appointment on Tuesday, and got to have a surprise ultrasound! After a routine non-stress test, my doctor wanted to check the level of amniotic fluid, just to be sure he was still doing ok in there. (Good news: everything is great!) I got to see his little squishy face, and it was just what I needed! I know that I'm probably the only one who sees this and immediately thinks " ohmyupercutebabyface! " My Business Man had a hard time figuring out what was what, ha. Not much else is new... just waiting on our little man. I am officially *done* baking cupcakes after this Saturday, so I might have a bit of extra free time next week while we wait for this little kid...

38 weeks + post-baby plans

I figured I better hurry up and write this week's blog post, considering I'll be 39 weeks (full term) tomorrow! To say I am excited about that would be an understatement. He could come any day now... or he could camp out in my uterus for another 2.5 weeks. Lovely. Now that he's seriously almost here, I've started to think about post-baby plans. One of the challenges of running your own business or being self-employed - how does maternity leave work? How much time do I want to take off? Not only does time off mean no income, but it also means lack of growth with the business.  In the baking biz, the time of year definitely  makes a difference... November and December sales are quite  different than the months of January or July. (Aka Nov/Dec = super busy... January not so much.) So, as you can see Poppyseed has timed his arrival pretty much perfectly. ;)  When the business is in full swing, I work about probably 45-50 hours a week spread out ove...