Poppyseed is almost 4 pounds this week! (Well, supposedly.) I had my 32 week check-up on Tuesday, and all is going well. I have been really blessed with a healthy pregnancy on Poppyseed's side of things... he has been doing GREAT. (Just his momma who has to deal with all the side effects, haha.) Luckily, my back has been feeling a lot better. It's just more general lower back pain vs. the super sharp pain in my SI joint. I can definitely handle general muscle/joint soreness. Busted out the leggings this week! I actually love this outfit. Nothing super exciting happened this week... pretty much a boring week in the pregnancy world. I definitely do not forget that I am pregnant though - he is moving all the time . I have also been having a few Braxton Hicks contractions, which are a little uncomfortable, but really not a big deal. They give me an excuse to go lay down for awhile. ;) Our friends had us over one night for a bonfire and wienie roast. Let me say, I...