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Showing posts from August, 2014

28 weeks + eggplant parm

28 weeks, and Poppyseed is the size of an eggplant! He can blink his eyes, and even has eyelashes. He also likes to move a lot . Which I love. I picked up an eggplant at the grocery store in honor of Poppyseed's growth this week, with no idea what to do with it. Fortunately, one of my favorite food bloggers posted a recipe for Skillet Eggplant Parmesan . Of course, I had to make it. And it was so good! Typically eggplant parm is breaded & deep-fried, but this was just baked, then layered with tomato sauce, mozzarella, and parmesan cheese. I was nervous it wasn't going to be filling enough, but I made some garlic toast on the side and it was perfect. (Bonus - I got to feel really good about myself for eating pretty much just vegetables for dinner. Just forget the 3 pieces of garlic bread.) I also did some food prep with a good friend in anticipation of Poppyseed's arrival... we made a big ole' batch of freezer meals. Love getting meals prepped an...

27 weeks + hello 3rd trimester!

Welp, I'm officially in the third trimester. And officially feeling very pregnant. My belly feels huuuge ... and everyday I wonder how it can possibly get any bigger. But I know it will... we still have 13 weeks to go! Yikes. The best part is when I'm working and I get random baking ingredients smeared all over my belly without even noticing it. Good thing I usually wear old t-shirts. Because everybody needs to see a shot of my belly from above. Yea right. Poppyseed has turned into such a wiggle worm this week. He is constantly moving and squirming around! I can even feel it when I wake up in the middle of the night... I'm wondering if this child ever sleeps. (Hopefully he will when he's outside my belly, or we're in for a rude awakening.) Dressed up for a dinner out with my Business Man on Saturday night. This week was actually a pretty low-key week... just lots of work. Sara's Sweets has been crazy busy, which is great! However it's not ...

26 weeks + skittles for breakfast

So I learned that running three races in a week while 6 months pregnant is not necessarily the best thing to do... it definitely took me a long time to recover after last week's shenanigans. (Totally worth it though!) This past week consisted of a lot rest and recovery, including several naps and low key nights. Not a bad thing at all! At 26 weeks, I'm in the last week of the second trimester. Crazy! I had another 4-week check-up with my doctor, and once we hit 28 weeks, I'll be going every two weeks. Which is even more crazy! This time, I got to do the glucose screening to test for gestational diabetes. Usually they give you a super sugary orange drink, then test your blood sugar 1 hour later. For some reason, my doctor's office just lets you eat a pack of Skittles instead! My appointment was at 9am so I had Skittles for breakfast that day, ha. I passed the test no problem, so that's a good thing. :) I also got to hear Poppyseed's heartbeat again and t...

25 weeks + race crazy

I think Poppyseed has definitely gone through a growth spurt this week... because there were a few days when I was completely exhausted and super hungry. And my belly just feels like it is  streeeeetching  like crazy. (And I know I still have a long way to go!) So, I may have gone from not running at all to running three races in one week. Ha. Granted, I didn't run much at all between those three races, and took it pretty easy. Poppyseed just loves to run! (Or so I tell myself. I am somewhat afraid he is going to want to be rocked/swung constantly once he comes out since he's so used to moving back and forth in the womb.) We participated in a lot of fun races this week. My SI joint pain has significantly lessened, and I have been able to get back to running a bit! (Which makes me so happy. Either Poppyseed has moved around a little bit or the exercises the chiropractor gave me are finally starting to work.) I've run about every other day since the beginning o...