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Showing posts from July, 2014

24 weeks + all the fried food

Week 24, and according to the Junk Food Baby Chart , Poppyseed is now the size of a banana split! He's majorly moving around, which is so much fun. His tastebuds are also developing, and his lungs are getting quite strong! Still rocking a tie-dye tank my girlfriends I made in college... 5+ years ago! No real big highlights this week... my SI joint pain has lessened quite a bit. I guess all those stretches and exercises from the chiropractor really do help! I am thinking in 2-3 weeks I might be back to my usual self. (Fingers crossed!) At least daily activities have become much less painful and I even snuck out for a short run tonight! (Which was actually in my 25th week, so I'll wait and talk about that next week... lol.) Main foodie highlights this week - all the fried food! Seriously, by the end of the weekend I felt like crap. I was so excited to cook a healthy meal yesterday. Friday night, I had the biggest craving for Chinese food, so we went out. (I thin...

23 weeks + a big pain in the butt (literally)

Nothing terribly new and exciting this week... except Poppyseed is kicking up a storm! We can even see it from the outside, which is so freaky. My Business Man & I spent Sunday afternoon at the pool and probably spent a good 10 minutes just staring at my belly and watching the baby go crazy. He seems to be active when I'm really hungry or just after I eat. Lovin' the maxi skirts. Like yoga pants, but much nicer looking. My back pain from last week has not gone away... it's actually gotten a worse. After some more visits to the chiropractor and some research, we've determined that it's actually my SI joint that's out of whack. The SI (sacroiliac) joint is the joint that connects the sacrum to the pelvis. It's kind of in the middle of your butt, one on either side. The one on my right side is bugging me. Typically, the SI joint doesn't have a wide range of motion; it pretty much stays put. However, during pregnancy, there's this lovely h...

22 weeks + it's a BOY!

Another week down, another weekly update! We're pretty much back to normal life around here... hard to top the fun activities of the past few weeks. I finally got back into a groove with work (catching up after trips is never fun), so it feels good to be ahead of the game again! The most exciting event of this past week was (obviously) the ultrasound and anatomy scan! We found out that Poppyseed is most definitely a BOY! The tech let us try to guess, and there was no denying it. ;) Being able to refer to Poppyseed as a 'he' makes it seem so much more real! We've been testing out names and he feels so much more like a little person rather than a random creature swimming around inside me. Sorry, sweet Poppyseed of mine, your naked ultrasound is now officially on the interwebz forever. Poppyseed is measuring great, right about 1 pound according to the anatomy scan. Crazy to me that he will gain 6-7 more pounds (or more!) over the next 4 months. The Bab...

21 weeks + 4th of July shenanigans

Lots of happenings this past week... 4th of July, visit from my parents, trip up to Michigan to spend time with my Business Man's fam. Whew! Poppyseed enjoyed it all - as evidenced by lots of movement! July 4 was a fun day... started off with the annual Freedom 5km here in the Bean Town. My mom, dad, & Maggie came to visit so my mom did the race, too. (It's the best race deal around - $12.50, chip-timed, and includes a t-shirt. And this year we also got a coupon for a FREE order of wings from BWW's.) Do you know how hard it is to get a dog to look at the camera? This was my first 5km while pregnant, and I was excited to enjoy a pressure-free race. I had the okay from my doctor to run comfortably fast, as long as I could talk! So I had a lot of fun encouraging others along the way and talking to some friends spectating.  I knew I'd be far from last year's finish time of 18:43, and expected to finish around 22 or 23. However, I really surprised myse...

20 weeks... halfway there!

We're halfway there... hard to believe it! All is going well, or at least I feel pretty good anyway. I'm starting to feel like we need to actually start accomplishing some of the things on the 'Poppyseed To-Do List'. So far we've checked off about zero things. (Besides the whole become pregnant part. Haha.) 20 weeks wrapped up our trip with my parents and brought us back to the Bean Town just in time for a super busy cupcake-filled weekend. I had two weddings plus who knows how many other orders. Just a couple long days on my feet in a row! Thankfully my Business Man is really good about helping me out when he gets home from work... he's a master cupcake packager. And garnisher. And dishwasher.  I love setting up weddings... there's something about seeing everything all put together.  So pretty! Loved the yellow & grey theme. We also had a fun ice cream social at church, completely with a homemade ice cream contest. Ben's entry - Va...