Well, I've made it into the second trimester! Supposedly when all your energy comes back... however this is my busiest season for Sara's Sweets so I don't think I would notice any extra energy even if I had it! Ha. The past couple weeks have been pretty uneventful - just working a lot and living life. Poppyseed is now the size of an apple, which is crazy to me! I still can't really understand where he/she is taking up all that space. Baby bump? Or did I just eat one too many cupcakes? I am still fitting into one pair of jeans from before I was pregnant. And I'm deathly afraid to wash them, because I know they won' t fit once they shrink up in the dryer! (You know it... freshly washed jeans are the worst! Even not pregnant!) Luckily it's turned into summer in these parts and I can wear a couple pairs of shorts. Plus all my running shorts. Ahhhh, the joy of working from home most days. I'm still running along, although I've slowed down a ...