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Showing posts from February, 2014

Good Eats

So this has been quite the depressing winter. Cold, snow, extreme cold, more snow, thoughts of "Will the temps ever get back above freezing??!" I'm beginning to think the mountain of snow at the end of our driveway will soon be taller than our house. (It's sitting about 8-9 feet right now.) When it's this cold, all I want to do is sit on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, and watch movies. And eat. Haha. I thought I'd share some new-to-us foods that we've been enjoying lately. Yes... a majority all of them might be junk food... but luckily I've been able to keep up the running to an extent so there hasn't been too  much damage. Lol. BBQ Chicken Nachos . I made these one night for dinner when we didn't really have anything else to eat. And I will make them again! They were fabulous. I just sauteed some chicken breast chunks in a bit of olive oil, then simmered them with BBQ sauce. (A thinner sauce works best.) Then spread tortilla chips out ...

The glamorous life of a cupcake baker

So, I've got a pretty sweet gig. Working for myself, I get to set my hours... and I only have a couple days a week that are really jam-packed. (Unless it's close to a holiday, then it's pretty much 'work every moment I am awake'.) The weekly schedule is usually something like this: Monday - grocery store, bank, clean house/kitchen, test new recipes, chill out a little Tuesday - bake in preparation for cupcake counter on Wed Wednesday  - Sam's Club, finish up baking/prep work from Tues, sell cupcakes at counter from 3-6pm Thursday  - prepwork for weekend, grocery store (again), work on business plan/emails/marketing/etc Friday  - BAKE BAKE BAKE! This is my busiest baking day of the week. Saturday  - sell cupcakes at counter from 11am-3pm Sunday  - rest, hang out with my Business Man Everyday  - fill orders for pick-up at our house (pretty much a daily thing), update Facebook page, plan ahead for future holidays/specials So Mondays are a pre...