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Showing posts from January, 2014

Running Update

I haven't talked running much on the blog lately... heck I haven't talked much on the blog lately at all. The last big running thing I did was the Columbus Marathon back in October. I've taken the last several months very easy running-wise. Running what I want, when I want. If I don't feel like it, I don't worry about it. I've still been in the 30+ miles a week range, which might seem like a lot. (But back in the spring when I was training for Boston, I was putting in 55-60. So it's really been cut in half.) It's really kind of funny - I am way less  busy now than I was last spring. (When I was teaching + baking 80+ hours a week.) I had no problem getting motivated to run back then. I was up before 5:30am everyday of the week! Now that I'm working a much more normal amount (probably 35-45 hours, depending on the week), it's so much harder to get the runs in! I don't know if I've just come to appreciate sleep, or if it's being on...

Photo Dump

After a busy, busy holiday season, I've decided I'd like to try to get back into blogging a little more regularly. I really miss having a place to write out my thoughts, musings, and whatever's on my mind. I also really enjoy being able to look back on different times of my life... and crazy shenanigans that have occurred. So, first post back - just a glimpse at the last month or so. 2013 was a great year, and we have so much to be thankful for. At the beginning of December, Sara's Sweets took part in the Downtown Lima Holiday Fest. We offered cupcake decorating for kids, and it was a huge success! About 250 kids came through, wowza. It was a crazy day, but lots of fun. The holiday season was NUTS (in a good way!) for Sara's Sweets. I baked closed to 5000 cupcakes in the month of December alone. It doesn't seem like that  many, but when I remember that I do all my baking out of my home kitchen with my one oven, it seems like a ton. Before ...