Many awesome things happened today. First, I received a special package in the mail from a giveaway I won at meals & moves ... four bags of Nature's Path granola! I am so excited. There is even a chocolatey flavor. I cannot wait for breakfast. Second, I ran my long run this afternoon. OUTSIDE! The goal was 16-18 miles. Here are some observations: Getting ready to run, I couldn't find my iPod anywhere. (Don't tell my Business Man. I'm hoping it will turn up somewhere.) So, I decided to take my phone with me and listen to Pandora. Which is pretty much the best thing ever. The only down side is that I had to carry my phone. But then! I realized I had facebook access and email access at my fingertips for the whole run. And camera access. Hmmm...... It was 48*F today! And sunny! And so I wore shorts outside and it was so liberating. About 2 miles into the run, I encountered a nice little lady on a scooter. She was driving up behind me (going much ...