As some of you may know, I've been traveling around quite a bit this week for my spring break. I spent some time with my BFF in Moline, IL before heading up to Milwaukee with mi madre for a whirlwind "foodie fun" trip. Our first stop: Taste of Home magazine visitor center! Rather than give you a play by play of the trip, I thought I'd just highlight the important details. Much more fun that way. At the visitor center they have an awesome outlet store for Taste of Home products. Like this super-awesome " Egg Cuber ." Because everyone needs to be able to make a square egg. (?!?) To be completely honest, I would probably eat hard-boiled eggs more often if they were square. And if they didn't give me gas. Unfortunately this super-fab product did not come home with me. I might have purchased 4 new cookbooks though. Whoops. They also had a great selection of clothing at the outlet store. Forget the Limited, I'm stocking my wardrobe wi...