This weekend has been a whirlwind of activity! Including a lot of fun activities! (Minus the dishes. Haha.) But before I tell you about my weekend, let me tell you about our delicious dinner tonight! The Midwest is preparing itself for a huuuuuuuge snowstorm later this week. Of course, today it was mid-30s and sunny, one of the nicest days we've had in several weeks. But I'm sure the terror of the storm is to come. I'm secretly hoping for a snow day or two. Anyways, whenever I think of horrible no-good very bad weather, I think of comfort food. One of my ultimate comfort foods from my childhood is chicken pot pie. My mom and I would have these for dinner a lot when my dad was out of town on business. I remember she would scoop out half the pot pie and then give me the half that had the little container. That was the best part! It came in its own pan. (Nowadays, though, I couldn't imagine sharing a pot pie! I want the goods all to myself. I guess I was much sm...